This article is the last in a series of discussions with Safety Reports co-founder Steve Polich in which he talks about his career and technology’s impact on workplace safety. Steve describes how safety consultants can leverage technology to support their careers.
Check out the previous articles in this series:
Steve Polich, Safety Reports founder and Certified Safety Professional, has witnessed the evolution of safety inspections during his decades-long career. He offers some key takeaways for independent safety consultants on how best to leverage technological advances to maximize their careers and earnings:
The true impact of mobile safety applications like Safety Reports on a safety consultant’s productivity is illustrated above. The graph on the left outlines a typical safety consultant’s day not using the time-saving technology – 3 hours are spent on-site visits, and an additional three hours are required at the day’s end to generate reports. The graph on the right illustrates the productivity benefits of Safety Reports.
While the time spent driving to/from and walking the sites remains the same, reports are generated in just 15 minutes before heading to the next inspection site. With three inspections a day, that means approximately 3 hours of time are freed up—giving you extra time for lunch too
Check out our safety inspections app.
This is the final article in a series of discussions with Safety Reports founder Steve Polich in which he talks about his career, and the impact technology has on workplace safety.
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