U.S. Disasters
& the creation of OSHA

There have been many things and events that have affected workplace safety in the United States. Here are a few of the biggest events that have shaped U.S. safety as we know it:

Pemberton Mill Collapse

The five-story mill collapsed midday killing 145 workers. The cause was discovered to be weak mortar and faulty iron beneath the floors.

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

A small fire that started on the 8th floor quickly spread due to the massive amount of flammable products and killing 146 workers. This tragedy is known for initiating workplace reforms.

Texas City Disaster

A French-owned SS Grandcamp exploded while in the port at Texas City. The blast destroyed the dock, the Monsanto Chemical Company, and many other businesses and facilities. This disaster killed 576 people. But since the chemical was from the US ordnance plants, the US government paid 16.5 million in damages. This prompted reforms in chemical manufacturing and transportation.

The signing of the OSH Act

Due to the dangerous working conditions in the United States and the decades of reform, the Williams-Steiger Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 became law. This law led to the establishment of OSHA, NIOSH, and the independent OSH Review Commission.

The Occupational Safety & Health Administration is Created in 1971
L’Ambiance Plaza Collapse

In Bridgeport, Connecticut, a 16-floor construction project collapsed killing 28 workers and enforcing stronger regulation on “lift-slab” construction method

The 2009 Deadly Dust Explosions

From severe; deadly industrial combustible dust explosions- even from back in February of 2008, in Port Wentworth, Georgia, that killed 14 and injured 30- OSHA creates rulemaking to comprehensively address the fire and explosion hazards of combustible dust

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